Thank You and Work Weekend #10 in only 3 weeks: November 27/28, 2010

Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers,

A small but mighty team of volunteers enjoyed the brisk fall weather and completed a number of projects at Ruskoka this past weekend, Work Weekend #9. Thank you to Nika, Natasha, Marina, Masha, Dmitry and Alik for their hard work. The garage shed was completed, and many smaller jobs done.


Some of the tasks that were completed included:

  • ·         Cleaned up the chapel for the winter
  • ·         Cleaned up and organized the Arts Cabin for the winter
  • ·         Built the back wall of the garage storage shed
  • ·         Completed construction of the garage shed
  • ·         Completed wiring and lighting in the garage shed
  • ·         Completed wiring for the garage air compressor (to be moved next WW)
  • ·         Removed scrap steel and wood
  • ·         Washed, sorted and stored camp laundry
  • ·         Cleaned and organize the entire camp house basement
  • ·         Prepared delicious meals and cleaned up the camp house!

The next work weekend is only 3 week away, on November 27th and 28th, 2010 !  Join us for more fun work, projects, closing camp, great meals, bon fires and camaraderie. Please confirm in advance if you are coming.

We are expecting a big turnout for our last and final Ruskoka work weekend of 2010!

See you at Ruskoka on November 27th, 2010.


p.s. the work weekend schedule is:

November 27, 2010




Some of the projects we plan to do on the next work weekend:


–       Move the air compressor from the pump room to the garage

–       Build storage shelves (and roof posts) in garage shed, move lumber

–       Cut up many recently downed trees

–       Clean up scrap wood pile next to garage

–       Install culvert pipe near chapel

–       Clean up the pavilion, organize

–       Clean up piles of branches and burn

–       Stack all of the split wood! Bring firewood in to the house for the winter

–       Winterize the house and the house plumbing

–       Prepare pump room for pouring concrete floor

–       Clean up and organize the garage



–       Cook phenomenal, delicious meals for all the volunteers