Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers,
A small determined team of volunteers enjoyed the first snowstorm of the winter, finished a few last projects and closed up Ruskoka Camp this past weekend, Work Weekend #10. Thank you to Nika, Victor, Tim, Natasha, Maxine, Andrew, Sophia, Alik, Victor, and Sergey for their determination and hard work.
Some of the tasks that were completed included:
- · Shoveled snow, split wood
- · Delivered and unloaded a trailer-full of steel shelves
- · Built storage racks (and roof posts) in garage shed
- · Cleaned up the camp house for the winter
- · Close up the entire camp for the winter
- · Winterize the house and the house plumbing
- · Prepared delicious meals and cleaned up!
It has been a very productive and fun 2010 because of you, Ruskoka Volunteers! Through your hard work and dedication we achieved much this season. Thank you. This year, over the course of 10 work weekends, we prepared for the best summer camp ever, completed a number of major camp projects, and finally closed camp for the winter ahead.
But, before you know it, spring weather will be beckoning us back to camp. Our next work weekend is only 4 months away, and is planned for April 16/17, 2011.
Thanks you again, and see you at Ruskoka soon.