Автор: admin
Thank You and Come to Ruskoka for Workweekend #8 on October 20 and 21, 2012 — In only 2 weeks!
Dear Ruskoka Volunteers, A large and enthusiastic group of 23 volunteers enjoyed the fall colours and completed a mountain of work. We removed […]
Ruskoka to Participate in the Scotiabank Toronto Marathon !
Not Available Dear Ruskoka Campers, Counselors, Parents, Volunteers and Supporters, EXCITING NEWS! Ruskoka Camp will be one of the charities to participate […]
Thank You and Come to Ruskoka for Workweekend #7 on September 8 and 9, 2012 — In only 2 weeks!
Not Available Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers and Counselors, Wow! A large group of volunteers (24 actually) accomplished a lot, including counselors participating in […]
Thank You and Come to St. Alexis Family Weekend on July 14 and 15, 2012 — In only 2 weeks!
Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers and Counselors, Thank you to the 14 energetic and dedicated leaders that attended the seventh Ruskoka Camp Leadership Workshop (Vika, Sasha, […]
Come to Work Weekend #5 and Leadership Workshop on June 23, 2012 — In only 2 days!
Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers and Counselors, Join us for the combined Leadership Workshop and our final Work Weekend before camp starts. For this […]
Thank You and Come to Work Weekend #5 and Leadership Workshop on June 23, 2012 — In only 2 weeks!
Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers and Counselors, Another phenomenal work weekend! Lots of projects completed, a couple mosquitoes fed, and everyone enjoyed the great […]
Come to the Counselor Leadership Workshop on June 23, 2012 — In less than 2 weeks!
Not Available Dear Ruskoka Camp Counselors and Volunteers, On June 23rd and 24th we will be holding the annual Ruskoka Leadership Workshop for counselors. If you […]