Thank You and Work Weekend #8 in only 1 week: October 23/24, 2010

Dear Ruskoka Camp Volunteers,

An energetic group of 16 volunteers made great progress on the seventh work weekend in 2010! Thanks to Nika, Victor, Kira, Vlad K, Alik, Maxine, Andrew, Sophia, Anthony, Max, Paula, Sasha, Oles, Natasha, Marina, and Volodya for their dedication and hard work. Tons of work all around the property were completed.

Some of the tasks that were completed included:

  • ·         Cleaned out the entire camp kitchen, fridges, stove, and closed up for the winter!
  • ·         Stored all non-perishable food in camp house
  • ·         Winterized the camp kitchen and pavilion plumbing
  • ·         Installed the well depth monitor
  • ·         Cleaned out the camp bathroom
  • ·         Removed debris and culvert behind the garage and cut down shrubs and trees
  • ·         Installed header on back of garage for new shed
  • ·         Brought raft back to short and stored for winter
  • ·         Cleared spot for canoe racks, and cut down trees. Removed and burned brush
  • ·         Dug post holes for canoe rack, by hand!
  • ·         Built the canoe racks!!! (only needs steel roofing added)
  • ·         Cut grass, raked and picked up sticks and branches
  • ·         Also…Cut down HUGE pine near the chapel and split all of the wood! (previous week, thanks Victor P!)
  • ·         Also…. Welded up snow blower and garage I-beam (previous wknd, thanks Andrew P!)
  • ·         Prepared delicious meals and cleaned up after!


Phew! A enormous list of work was done! Everyone worked hard, and enjoyed the meals, great company and the fall colours.

The next work weekend is only 1 weeks awayon October 23rd and 24th, 2010 !  Join us for more fun camp projects, great meals, bon fires and camaraderie. Please confirm in advance if you are coming.

See you at Ruskoka on October 23rd, 2010.


p.s. the work weekend schedule is:

October 23, 2010

November 6, 2010

November 27, 2010




Some of the projects we plan to do on the next work weekend:


–       Finish construction of the canoe racks, install steel roofing, store all of the canoes

–       Build the garage storage shed behind the garage, install steel roofing

–       Move the air compressor from the pump room to the garage

–       Clean up piles of branches and burn

–       Stack all of the split wood! Bring firewood in to the house for the winter

–       Winterize and close the camp bathroom

–       Prepare pump room for pouring concrete floor

–       Clean up and organize the garage



–       Cook incredible, delicious meals for all the volunteers