Come to the Counselor Leadership Workshop on June 23, 2012 – In less than 2 weeks!

Dear Ruskoka Camp Counselors and Volunteers,

On June 23rd and 24th we will be holding the annual Ruskoka Leadership Workshop for counselors. If you are registered to be a counselor this summer, you need to attend this workshop.


Counselors and volunteers are asked to arrive at Ruskoka Camp on Friday, June 22nd after 7:00pm. Friday evening will be for setting up tents, and we will have a social bonfire in the evening. Dinner will not be provided on Fridayt, so please eat on the way or bring your own snacks for Friday evening.


The workshop will be held at Ruskoka Camp. All counselors will need to bring their own tent, or make arrangements to share a tent. Tents will be set up in front of the camp house. The camp bathroom will be available for use.


This will be a combined Leadership Workshop and Work Weekend. Leadership sessions will start each morning at 7:30am sharp. We will have lectures and roundtable discussions. A number of fun, interactive and team building activities are also planned. After lunch, counselors will be split into teams to complete tasks around camp. After dinner, we will have round table discussions with short videos. Evenings we will enjoy around the bonfire.


You can register by simple replying by e-mail with a commitment that you will be attending. Planning of the weekend program, as well as meals, rely on your committed attendance. Currently, we have 5 counselors committed to coming. This Leadership Workshop is FREE!


We will also have a regular work weekend for adult volunteers. The work will not to interfere with the leadership sessions. If you plan to come as a volunteer, let us know in advance!

Pre-camp Session:

We have already conducted two 2hr leadership workshops. This third and main workshop is essential for all counselors, especially new counselors. There will also be a pre-camp workshop and Challenge Course training session held on July 21, 2012, just before camp starts.

This Leadership Workshop is FREE! Don’t miss this terrific opportunity to develop you leadership skills, become a better counselor, and meet the team of counselors that you will spend the summer with. And, we will be trying out our new water trampoline this weekend!

Please let me know by Friday whether you will be attending. See you June 22nd !


p.s. thanks to all the counselors that sent in your responsibility preferences. We will be assigning responsibilities to all counselors at the Leadership Workshop.